In collaboration with the Children's Fitness Clinic, we developed Go Girls!, a dance-based fitness support group for girls ages 5-21.  Our program is meant to:

  • Introduce girls to exercise in a fun environment where they can meet other girls and support each other.
  • Enable girls to discover and develop an enjoyment of exercise.
  • Educate girls and their families about weight-related health issues and reproductive health issues.
  • Help girls and their families implement healthy lifestyle changes.

Classes are offered online through Zoom.  Classes take place in 6-week sessions on Monday's or Tuesday's from 5:30-6:30pm and are free of charge. Fill out the registration form to receive additional details on class dates and times.

The classes include 45 minutes of  Zumba and 15 minutes of wellness discussion led by medical students and occasionally health and wellness professionals.  We invite moms, aunts, grandmas, neighbors, and other support persons to join our class and participate with the girls! Classes are always open to beginners and first-time participants so feel free to join for the first time at any time!